509-695 Stone Road, District Office, Eagle Lake, Susanville, CA 96130
Phone & Fax: (530) 825-3350
Monday, December 17, 2012 AT 6:00 p.m.
Meeting was opened by Chairman Shapiro at 6:05 pm. Present: Chairman Sam Shapiro, Directors Kay Oring, and Ron Rebell. There are now two vacancies on the Board. Also present was Fire Chief Ron Cromer and General Manager Martin Balding. We have a quorum.
ADDITIONS/DELETIONS/APPROVAL of December 17, 2012 agenda items.
APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF BILLS for November 2012 Fire: $5,299.02, Sewer $4,732.84. This includes Insurance.
For November 30th: Fire District $75,221.99. Sewer District $127,502.64. Capital Improvement Fund $247,212.58. Checking account petty cash $2,712.70.
A motion was made by Director Oring with a second by Director Rebell to accept the Consent Calendar, approve Minutes for November 19 and to approve the payment of November bills, Sewer $4,732.84, Fire $5,299.02 and the Treasurer's Report. Motion Carried.
Fire Chief Cromer reported no calls for the month and that training was going well. Chief has contacted the ISO representative and he has lost some of the information. We will copy our information and send it to him.
At this time we will not pursue upgrading the diesel engines.
General Manager Balding’s report was read and is attached.
Secretaries Report: There were 48 web hits last month. It was not possible to install Carbonite due to a permission error. Letters of late payment have been sent and phone calls made to property owners who are late on Sewer payments. Several have since sent payment.
Board Member Report: Direct Shapiro is pursuing a job description for Volunteer Fire Chief.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.
Annual Audit reports are at the office and the copy for the State was mailed as required.
Director Oring stated that County Treasurer Richard Egan sent an e-mail regarding the Petty Cash Resolution 12-01. He said that if additional funds are requested to put into the petty cash, that a list of disbursements from the petty cash fund is required.
SBCSD Insurance with Flanigan-Leavitt: The board approved insurance policies and the invoices.
Annual report by Robert Johnson: The Board reviewed the annual report. Director Oring moved and Director Rebell seconded a motion to accept the audit. Motion passed.
Cal Fire Mutual Aid agreement was received, signed and returned
Carbonite Installation: We will get some help to override the program and enable the installation of the Carbonite installation.
ADJOURNMENT: The next meeting will be held on December 17, 2012.With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
BOARD MEMBERS SIGNING OF BILLS: Approved in the Consent Calendar.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandy Jansen, Secretary
Note: There is a voice recorded transcript of these minutes.
509-695 Stone Road, District Office, Eagle Lake, Susanville, CA 96130
Phone & Fax: (530) 825-3350
Monday, November 19, 2012 AT 6:00 p.m.
Meeting was opened by Chairman Shapiro at 6:20 pm. Present: Chairman Sam Shapiro, Directors Kay Oring, and Ron Rebell. There are now two vacancies on the Board. Also present was Fire Chief Ron Cromer. General Manager Martin Balding was absent. We have a quorum.
ADDITIONS/DELETIONS/APPROVAL of November 19, 2012 agenda items; delete the note “In the event of no quorum, no action will be taken on items other than paying of bills.
APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 15 MINUTES with the correction August bills, Sewer $1,629.45 instead of $1,629.25.
APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF BILLS for October 2012 Fire: $1,147.53, Sewer $9,372.98. This includes audit expense and Lahontan Fees.
For October 31st: Fire District $76,347.62. Sewer District $136,299.76. Capital Improvement Fund $247,212.58. Checking account petty cash $2,667.92. A quarterly report and special July report are attached.
A motion was made by Director Rebell with a second by Director Oring to accept the Consent Calendar, Approve Minutes for October 15 as amended and to approve the payment of October bills, Sewer $9,372.98, Fire $1,147.53 and the Treasurer's Report. Motion Carried.
Fire Chief Cromer reported no calls for the month and that training was going well. He has a new volunteer with the possibility of two more, but two have resigned. Chief has not received any new information on the grant or ISO.
General Manager Balding’s report was read by Chairman Shapiro and is attached. The lake level is 5,094'
NEW SECRETARY: Welcome Sandy Jansen, our new Secretary who has quickly come up to speed with the operation of our office. Board members may want to ask Sandy for her cell phone number. Martin was glad to turn over the office to Sandy!
ANNUAL AUDIT: Auditor, Robert Johnson and assistant Kelly worked a full day on the audit and their report was good. Copies are available in the office for board members. Thanks to Kay Oring for her continued help with our treasury and for spending time in the office during out audit.
NO SPILL REPORT: This is made every month to the State Water Board, no spills so far and our goal is to keep it that way.
LIFTS STATIONS AND PONDS: All has been well with both lift stations and the ponds. Ponds one and two are slowly rising again with the summer evaporation essentially shut down and a bit of help from wet weather.
LAHONTAN REPORT: The annual report on our ponds, evaporation, precipitation and flow rates was sent to Lahontan. Copies are available in the office along with a chart showing flow rates for the past year. The flows are about 70% of our allowable maximum which is good news in regards to the operation of the system.
CA'ITLE WATER: The water is now off and the stock pond level is holding well
HOMEOWNER SYSTEMS: Good news, no calls at this time.
Liens were placed upon five properties owned by long delinquent customers. Additional delinquent customers are being notified by Sandy who will keep you appraised of accounts receivable.
RV PARK USE: The RV park flow rate bas dropped considerably and is about 15% of our total at present.
911 SIGNS: Minimal work this period.
LAKE LEVEL: The lake level is now 5,094.15 feet, probably the low for the season.
EVAPORATION-PRECIPITATION: Evaporation is at a near standoff and total precipitation in the last two months is less than one inch.
LAKE WATER FOR FIRE SERVICE: None easily available at present.
FENCE WORK: Mike Engman was contacted again regarding work to be done for the District involving our wastewater enclosure fence and also the installation of a check valve on the main force 6ne to the ponds.
Martin will be away for the Thanksgiving week with Dennis Glenn overseeing, phone 260 0333.
Secretaries Report: No report.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.
Cal Fire Mutual Aid agreement was received. Chief Cromer will sign it and it will be mailed.
Annual Audit reports are at the office and the copy for the State was mailed as required.
Director Oring stated that County Treasurer Richard Egan sent an e-mail regarding the Petty Cash Resolution 12-01. He said that if additional funds are requested to put into the petty cash, that a list of disbursements from the petty cash fund is required.
Used Fire Truck: No additional information. The item will remain on the agenda.
RESOLUTION 12-02, Payment of bills without a quorum. The resolution was read:
Director Oring moved and Director ReBell seconded a motion to accept Resolution 12-02. Motion carried, with Directors Oring, ReBell, and Shapiro voting aye. Two vacancies. The Resolution is attached.
Secretary employment details: Sandy Jansen, new secretary, requests that Tuesday and Thursday be the office hours during these winter months. When spring comes, other arrangements will be made. Sandy is glad to be here.
SBCSD Insurance with Flanigan-Leavitt: The board declined the terrorism coverage. The premium will be $2,772.00 which is a savings of $801.00. Director Oring moved and Director Rebell seconded a motion to approve the new coverage with WaterPlus through Flannigan-Leavitt Insurance. Motion carried. The agreement will be signed and faxed back to Flannigan-Leavitt tomorrow.
Stand-by for Martin over Thanksgiving: Dennis Glen is the stand-by for Martin Balding while he is away during Thanksgiving holidays.
Overflow Pan for Diesel Tank: Chief Cromer said it is not needed at this time. We are in compliance with hazardous materials regulations. Director Rebell moved and Director Oring seconded a motion to refrain from putting an overflow pan under the diesel tank because we are in compliance at this time. Motion carried.
Annual report by Robert Johnson: The Board will review the annual report at the next Board meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: The next meeting will be held on December 17, 2012.With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
BOARD MEMBERS SIGNING OF BILLS: Approved in the Consent Calendar.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandy Jansen, Secretary
Note: There is a voice recorded transcript of these minutes.
509-695 Stone Road, District Office, Eagle Lake, Susanville, CA 96130
Phone & Fax: (530) 825-3350
Web Site:
WHEREAS, We currently have two openings on the SBCSD Board, we need to pay our regular monthly accounts due.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that at any regularly scheduled board meeting where there is no quorum, bills must be signed by at least one officer of the board (i.e. chair, vice-chair or treasurer) with a special note as to the reason they could not be signed by a quorum. This supersedes previous resolutions/ordinances relating to this issue.
THEREFORE, be it further resolved that at the next regularly scheduled board meeting these bills must be approved as a separate line item to the agenda.
NOES: ______________________________________
ABSENT: ____________________________________ 2 VACANCIES
Sandra Shapiro, Chairman of the Board
Attest: _______________________________________
Sandy Jansen, Secretary
Date: _______________________________________
I, Sandy Jansen, Secretary of the board of Directors, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Stones-Bengard Community Service District Board on December 17, 2012.