509-695 Stone Road, District Office, Eagle Lake, Susanville, CA 96130
Phone & Fax: (530) 825-3350
Monday, February 18, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
APPROVAL OF January minutes.
APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF BILLS for January 2013: Sewer $2,268.63: Fire $547.95. APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT, by Kay Oring:
For January 31, 2013: Fire District $79,142.49; Sewer District $122,701.46; Capital Improvement Fund $247,283.70. Checking account petty cash $2,744.24.
A motion was made by Director ReBell with a second by Director Oring to accept the February Agenda, approve Minutes for January and to approve the payment of January bills, Sewer $2,268.63; Fire $547.95 and the Treasurer's Report. Motion Carried.
reported that he has picked up a newdiesel Hale pump from Calfire that from Sierra Army Depot. Calfire will sign the lease agreement and it will be sent back to our office and filed. Chief said that we need new batteries for Engine 1822.
General Manager Balding’s report was read and is attached. Discussion was held on the RV Park and their delinquencies. Today Judy Cable brought in a check for the remainder of 2012 sewer fees. She also brought a letter outlining her concerns regarding the water well on her property. This letter will be addressed.
There was a hydrology class on wells and groundwater in Susanville last month and Martin attended. The class was very relevant to this District and continuing education credits were earned.
Martin wants to thank Chief Cromer for his diligence in acquiring the very useful pump. It will fit in the back of the snow removal pickup .
Secretaries Report: There were 87 web hits last month. The computer is not resolved yet. We are still working on it. A list of delinquent properties for sewer fees was presented. A letter was received from IRS regarding a payment still due on December 2010 quarterly federal payroll taxes. (Form 941). The amount due is $60 with penalties equaling a total of $86.06. The Board decided to pay the bill from Petty Cash Fund.
Board Member Report: none
PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.CORRESPONDENCE: Mariners: The letter from Mariners was read to the Board.
Call Summary: The 2012 call summary was received and reviewed by the Board.
OLD BUSINESS:The Cal Fire Grant
: The Chief has ordered the nomex hoods and fire shelters that were awarded on the grant. They should arrive next week. The boots will be ordered later. Carbonite Installation: We are still working on it. Purchase Locally First Policy: The policy was passed and signed and a copy is attached.Form 700, Fair Political Practices: The forms were passed out, filled out and will be filed in this office. Susan Osgood of Lassen County Clerk’s office will be contacted to insure that filing these in our office is the correct procedure. There will be blank copies for new directors. Volunteer T-shirt Purchase: Director Oring moved and Director ReBell seconded a motion to direct Chief to order approximately four dozen t-shirts not to exceed $1,000. Motion carried.NEW BUSINESS:Review Accounts Receivable
: The list was reviewed. A letter will be sent to the Mariners. No other action on other properties at this time.Plumas Bank Signature Card: Resolution 12/13-01 states that the Board Chairman, Vice-chairman, Treasurer and Secretary shall have authority to sign on the Petty Cash Fund. Therefore Sandy Jansen will be added to the signature card. Director ReBell moved and Director Oring seconded a motion to add Secretary Sandy Jansen to the signature card for the Petty Cash fund. Maryanna Replogle will be taken off and Sandy Jansen added and the others, Shapiro and Oring, will remain the same. Motion carried.Volunteer Fire Chief Job Description: The Board, Chief Cromer and Martin Balding will review and revise the Chief’s Job Description to fit this department.Secretary Review: Martin Balding said all is going well with new secretary. Director Oring moved and Director ReBell seconded a motion to increase Secretary’s hourly rate to $15.00 per hour. Motion carried. Sandy Jansen is very grateful and says a big thank you to the board.Batteries for the Fire Engine: New batteries for the fire engine are needed. The Board authorized Chief to purchase the batteries on CalCard under maintenance. ADJOURNMENT: The next meeting will be held on March 18, 2013, 6:00 pm. With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS SIGNING OF BILLS: Approved in the Consent Calendar. Respectfully Submitted,
Sandy Jansen, Secretary
Note: There is a voice recorded transcript of these minutes.
General Manager Notes
Monday, February 17, 2013 6pm
Martin Balding, General Manager
NO SPILL REPORT: The no spill report to the state has been made for the month of January.LIFTS STATIONS AND PONDS: The lift stations and ponds have been working well with an average flow from mid January to date of 7,399 gallons per day. A year ago for the same time period the flow averaged 5,520 gallons per day. However the flow this past week was 5,819 gallons per day. The added gallons this winter may have been caused by people running water to keep their pipes from freezing. The frozen ponds are snow covered so levels can’t be recorded. There is some overflow into pond three, just as it should be. About a foot of compact and rather icy snow is in the area around the ponds. SENSAPHONE: The Sensaphone brand call-out phone in the Stones Lift Station failed and a new one was purchased, with a trade-in, for $220.00 It has been installed with a modified external battery back-up power supply using AA batteries that the District receives for free from Duracell. A second Sensaphone for Buck's Bay has been ordered to keep both units the same with updated models.ELECTRIC HEAT: The heaters in the lift stations have been on. Bills will be higher!PRECIPITATION: January was a very dry month with only .75 inches of precipitation. HOMEOWNER SYSTEMS: There have been reports of two alarms going off. One homeowner received instructions on what to do, tested his system and it was OK.LATE PAYMENT COLLECTIONS:Sandy can give a report on receivables. The RV Park made a payment.SNOW AND COLD: The snow has held well mostly because January was one of the coldest months anyone can remember with many mornings below zero and daytime temperatures well below freezing. HYDROLOGY CLASS: I attended a groundwater and hydrology class on Thursday, 1/24/13 in Susanville. The class gave me Twelve Contact Hours of Credit towards keeping my Level Three Grade in effect. Also, the seminar was very informative regarding wells and groundwater as it applies to our area. The cost was $125.00 which will be on next month's bill.************************************************************************
February 2013
Treasurer’s Report for January 2013 activity Balances as of January 31, 2013
Accounts at Lassen Co.
Fire District: Balance $ 79,142.49
Sewer District: Balance $ 122,701.46
Capital Improvement Fund: Balance $ 247,283.70
Other accounts:Petty cash (Checking) $ 2,744.24
Kay Oring, Treasurer