509-695 Stone Road, District Office, Eagle Lake, Susanville, CA 96130
Phone & Fax: (530) 825-3350
Monday, November 18, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
The approval of new Board Member was moved up on the agenda.
The Board voted to appoint Tom Spanton into the vacancy that will expire in December of 2015. He is taking the vacancy of Kathleen Yacovone which expires 12/2/2015. Tom Spanton took the “Oath of Office” and is approved to be on the Board.
Meeting was opened by Chairman Shapiro at 6:00 pm. Present: Chairman Sam Shapiro, Directors Kay Oring, Ron Rebell and Tom Spanton. There is now one vacancy on the Board. Also present were Fire Chief Ron Cromer, General Manager Martin Balding and Secretary Sandy Jansen. We have a quorum. Aaron Albaugh, our Supervisor, was also present.
APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT, by Kay Oring for OCTOBER. Also discussion was held on our quarterly interest earned on our funds.
Aaron Albaugh asks for clarification on the Capital Improvement Fund for the Sewer district.
A motion was made by Director Spanton with a second by Director ReBell to accept the November Agenda with the change in order to move the new director to the beginning of the agenda, approval of minutes for October and approval of the payment of October bills: Fire $5,449.30; Sewer $11,045.84 , and Treasurer’s report for October. Motion carried.
Fire Chief Cromer reported that trainings are going well. Also he questioned whether we have received a donation for snow plowing work in the winter from Lahonton Heights. Sandy will check into that.
Water Manager Balding report is attached.
The annual report was sent in. Also the Williamson parcels were sold to Tom and Andie Traphagan from Ravendale. Water tests were approved for payment as Martin deems necessary.
Secretary’s report: There were 300 web hits for October. Also reminder bills were sent to those property owners who have not paid anything for this fiscal year.
December 16 meeting I will not be able to be here.
Board Member Items: The Board thanks Mr. Albaugh for attending our meeting and welcomes him to any meeting.
Supervisor Albaugh was thanked for attending our meeting.
California EDD sent a request for forms for June 2012. Sandy will respond.
Volunteer Fire Chief Job Description: No further information at this time.
RV Park, Waste Water Fee Revision: Discussion was held on the recent developments of the three parcels of the RV Park, Resolution 13-03. Commercial rate is 75% of residential rate.
Director Oring moved and Director Spanton seconded a motion to approve the Resolution 13-03 as presented. Motion carried. A Public Hearing and final Resolution approval will be set up for the next Board Meeting of December 16 and notice and resolution only to be published in the newspaper.
Ordinance 11-02, Delinquent Service Fees and payment due dates: The Ordinance seems clear. Director Oring and Sandy will work on the yearly billing statement to improve it.
Bids on New Computer: No new information.
CALFIRE Grant: We have not received the approval letter to purchase the grant items yet but we should hear this month.
Audit for 2012-2013: The audit report was received and the Board Directors will each take a copy to review. It will be discussed at the next meeting.
Grand Jury Report: Director Oring has not had any response to the email letter she sent to Karen Fouch, Auditor. Director Oring described the issue of the request to join the Special District Association to Supervisor Albaugh.
R. Johnson, CPA, and Contract: Discussion was held on the options for the annual audit. We will ask for an estimate of cost from Singleton and Auman.
Utility Trailer for fire Department: The item will be carried over to next month.
Buck’s Bay Water Storage Survey Letter: At this time more information is needed with costs estimates before any letters or surveys are sent out.
Fire District Hat Donation: Director ReBell moved and Director Oring seconded a motion to have a donation of $10.00 per Fire District cap be appropriate. Motion Carried.
911 Address Signs Status. Additional signs are needed on Juniper Lane. We will follow up on the signs.
Approve District Insurance Policy: There have not been any changes from last year.
Re-appointment of Directors: Director ReBell’s term is up this year and he can reapply by correspondence with Susan Osgood’s office. Ron ReBell will accept another term on the Board of Directors.
Refunding Sewer Fees: A property owner has asked for a refund of her annual sewer fees. She paid the fees for the whole year at the beginning of the fiscal year, but then sold the property a few months later. It is the responsibility of the buyer, seller and the escrow department to adjust the payments. This District will not make the refund when we have only been paid the appropriate fee.
County Mutual Aid Agreement: Director Spanton moved and Director Oring seconded a motion to approve the Mutual Aid Agreement between the Lassen Fire Officers Association and the Lassen Operational area. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: The next meeting will be held on December 16, 2013, 6:00 pm. With no further business to conduct, the meeting was dismissed at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandy Jansen, Secretary Note: There is a voice recorded transcript of these minutes.
Monday November 18, 2013 6pm
Martin Balding, General Manager
NO SPILL REPORT: The no spill report to the state has been made for the month of October.
ANNUAL REPORT: The annual report, to South Lake Lahontan, regarding our wastewater facilities has been sent to Rob Tucker. A copy is available for the board. The report shows a total flow to the ponds for one year of 2.087 million gallons, annual pan evaporation of 60.76 inches and 13.45 inches of precipitation.
WATER TESTING: After questions by Rob Tucker a pond water sample was sent to Sierra Environmental Monitoring in Reno to test for Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Chloride, TDS and COD.
LIFTS STATIONS AND PONDS: The lift stations and ponds have been working well with an average flow for seven days of 3,556 gallons per day. The same time a year ago the flow averaged 4,146 gallons per day. As of November first our annual volume of water into the ponds was 2.087 million gallons, nearly half of what it was in the past, leaving good storage capacity for the winter.
PRECIPITATION/EVAPORATION: Pan evaporation for the past week was less than .1" per day with no recorded precipitation.
LAKE EVEL: 5,093.56' about seven inches lower than last year at this time, and the lowest since 1951 when it was 5,093.2' in June. The level has dropped 18.48" inches since the spring high point of 5,095.1'
HOMEOWNER SYSTEMS: There is a leaking septic tank, as evidenced by an alarm going off and further tests. It will be replaced.
LATE PAYMENT COLLECTIONS:Sandy has been following up on accounts due with excellent results. A Lien has been recorded on one of the delinquent properties.
MARINER'S RV PARK TAX SALE RESULTS: The sale of the lake side and the south west side of the RV Park from Larry Williamson to Tom and Andie Traphagen has been completed. Their address is: P.O. Box 66, Ravendale, CA 96123 and their phone is 530 249 2974, e-mail Tom and Andie have been billed for wastewater for the month of November in the amount of $204.00
Frank Lepori has the north portion on the west side with all of the main buildings, the well, Park Model and RV spaces. Frank Lepori: 775 337 2063
ANUAL AUDIT We now have the final copy of our Annual Audit from Robert Johnson.
AWAY: Martin will be away over Thanksgiving. Dennis will be paid to cover.
November 2013 Treasurer’s Report for October 2013 activity
Balances as of October 31, 2013
Accounts at Lassen Co.
Fire District: Balance $ 87,597.16
Sewer District: Balance $ 145,779.64
Capital Improvement Fund: Balance $ 262,186.24
Other accounts:
Petty cash (Checking) $ 2585.68