Monday, December 5, 2016

November minutes

509-695 Stone Road, District Office, Eagle Lake, Susanville, CA 96130
Phone & Fax: (530) 825-3350
Monday, November 14, 2016

Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm by Chairman Sandra Shapiro. Directors Mowery and Oring were present.  Director Spanton and ReBell were absent.  Also present were General Manager Martin Balding, Rick Nickolas and Cyndi San Diego and Secretary Sandy Jansen. 

GUESTS:  Sam's friend, Frank Leiver and Mike Flanigan from Flanigan and Leavitt Insurance


            OCTOBER BILLS:  Fire: $ 1,602.78;     Sewer: $ 4,358.83. (Robert Johnson audit fee included in bills)
APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT.  Treasurer Oring presented the treasurers reports for October.  Reports are attached.

**A motion was made by Director Mowery with a second by Director Oring to accept the November Agenda as amended, approve minutes for October (adding the Treasurer's report for September also,) and approve the payment of October bills as presented. Motion carried.


Fire Chief Oberst:  Chief was absent.  Martin Balding reported that training is continuing on Saturdays. Burn season is open. 
            General Manager Balding report is attached. 

FLANIGAN AND LEAVITT PROPOSAL:  Mike Flanigan had a proposal for Waste Water General Insurance and Liability Insurance.  He works with many firms for waste water and fire departments and special districts.  The proposal for Waste Water includes property coverage, general liability and injury coverage.  Proposals are attached.  We would join a JPA (It is California Rural Water Association Member Guard, JPRIMA) to be included in this insurance package.  The quote is 1,922 annually for three years.  We are already members of California Rural Water Association.  Fire District insurance would stay the same with American Alternative Insurance Corporation. 
            ***Director Oring moved and Director Mowery seconded a motion to accept the proposal from Flanigan and Leavitt for $1,922 for Waste water with California rural Water Association and to join the JPA and to renew Fire District insurance with American Alternative Insurance Corporation for $3,940 annual premium.  Motion carried.

            Secretary’s report:  Ninety-two percent of the property landowners have paid in full or for the first quarter for waste water for 2016-2017.   

BOARD MEMBER ITEMS:  Director Oring read a short letter regarding the Marijuana meeting of September 12, 2016.

Stones Bengard CSD Town hall Meeting

            On September 12, 2016, we held a town hall meeting after our regular board meeting at the Fire Hall.  About 70 residents from Stones and Spalding attended.  We asked Lassen County officials to discuss the Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance, which allows 12 plants on any property up to 1 acre and 24 plants for 1 to 10 acres.  The ordinance stipulated set backs from property lines and the construction of fences seven feet high that cannot be transparent.  Such fences on some of our small parcels would block neighbors’ views.  Also the concern is about water use, watchdogs and increased traffic.
            The following officials attended:  our District 4 Supervisor, Aaron Albaugh; County counsel, Bob Burns; County Planning & Building Director, Mori Anderson; County Administrator, Richard Egan; plus District 2 Supervisor elect, David Teeter; Lassen County Times Editor, Sam Williams.
            People had many questions and concerns.  By a show of hands, about half of the attendees were in favor of a ban on cultivation.
            Subsequently, the Lassen County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a ban on cultivation, which takes effect November 14, 2016.  The state of CA voters passed Proposition 64 that will allow recreational marijuana in 2018; however, counties will still be able to set cultivation limits.  We will be monitoring the Board of Supervisors as they indicated they will be revisiting the issue in light of the new law.

Thanks to everyone who attended.

WEBSITE MANAGER:  Rick Nickolas explained a proposed new webpage and showed us the front page with beautiful pictures of Eagle Lake.  The board is excited to have it up and running.  There would be a section for agendas and minutes, but also much more.  It would be a web page that people could learn about the area, the climate, activities and maybe even have a local classified section.  We could post items of interest to the community.


DISCUSS/ACTION:  Weed Abatement, Request for Cal Fire help. Next month we will look at a draft letter to send to property owners who need to abate their weed and debris issue.   


DISCUSS/ACTION:   Re-certify Sewer System Management Plan.
            Director Mowery moved and Director Oring seconded a motion to approve Martin Balding to update the plan and have it recertified.  Motion carried.

DISCUSS/ACTION:  Website Paid Advertising and Local buy-Sell-Swap bulletin board.  This was addressed under Web manager report.

DISCUSS/ACTION:  Approve or disapprove
            Director Oring moved and Director Mowery seconded a motion to approve Robert Johnson, auditor, Three-year contract for 2017-$3,400; 2018-$3,500; 2019-$3600.  Motion carried.
DISCUSS/ACTION:  Insurance quote.  Move up on agenda and was approved.

The next meeting will be held on December 12, 2016, 6:00 pm.  
With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Bills were signed. 

Respectfully Submitted,

_____________________________Sandy Jansen, Secretary    

November 2016 Treasurer’s Report for October 2016 activity

Balances as of  October 31, 2016

Accounts at Lassen Co.
Fire District:      Balance                                  $   97,202.42

Sewer District:   Balance                                 $ 141,284.69

Capital Improvement Fund: Balance                 $ 23,089.75

Special Investment (from Capital Improve)    $ 254,816.54

Other accounts:

 Petty cash       (Checking)                                $     3,524.96

  by Kay Oring, Treasurer

Monday, November 14, 2016 at 6pm
Notes by Martin Balding, General Manager

NO SPILL REPORT:  The monthly ‘'No Spill “report for October has been made to the state.
LIFTS STATIONS AND PONDS: Ponds one and two are at the 1.975 foot level, six inches higher than last year at this time, with a flow of about 4,000 gallons per day, one third of flows in the past.
The system in general appears to be in excellent condition with the heavy wall PVC pipes and the HDPE pond liners in excellent condition. Pond sediment is minimal and due to the low rate of inflow only two ponds are required to handle the natural treatment and evaporation.
Our two lift stations will operate as long as they are maintained. Occasional switch and float replacements have been made and also pumps have been rebuilt.   We have spare parts including pumps and motors on hand.
LAKE LEVEL, EVAPORATION AND PRECIPITATION: No estimate on lake level at this time. In October 3.45 inches of precipitation was recorded, great! There is still boat launching at the South End of the lake and the trout fishing has been good.
STAND BY GENERATOR:  Our generator is ready to run.
HOMEOWNER SYSTEMS: One call has been handled. A reminder, septic must be pumped, sometime.
PUBLIC GREEN WASTE: The project will continue. Note: for Buck's Bay and Stones residents ONLY!  Property owners have been bringing in lots and burning will start soon.
FIRE PERMITS: Not needed now but do call 252 4247 to check on burn days.

SOLAR SYSTEM: Since September  2014   over  35,600 kWh has been generated with a retail value  of $4,984.00.   Our 36 panels have supplied all of our building needs including electric heat  for the winter.

WATER STORAGE TANKs: The 3,000-gallon water tanks at Stones and Buck's Bay are full and ready to use for f ire Service. Cal Fire knows the locations and is positive about the water storage.

STOCK WATER:' Stock Water pump has been drained and removed for the winter season.
COUNTY WELL:   Smith Pumps will be here??????????????????
The SS:MP must be updated every five (5) years, and must include any significant program changes.
Re-certification by the governing board of the Enrollee is required in accordance with D.14 of the SSS WDR when significant updates to the SSMP are made. To complete the re-certification process, the Enrollee shall   enter the data in the Online SSO Database. Enrollees are required to provide an electronic copy of their SSMP to the Online SSO Database.

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